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Hong Kong Moon Cake Bus

5 September 2011

Repulse Bay...no

I decided that seeing as though its a Monday morning, the beaches will be deserted. Might as well head to the most popular beach at Repulse Bay, strip off to my underpants that are about 9 sizes too large and terrify a few sharks (scroll down for photos.
It didnt quite turn out that way.

I caught the ferry to the central bus depot, armed with the knowledge that ll busses that start with a 6 go where I want to go, those with an X on the end are quicker as they are express and use a tunnel.
The only 6 bus I can find is 603, so I jump on.

This was totally wrong. It crossed under the harbour back to Kowloon in a tunnel, then went up some hills into the poor areas of Hong Kong. There were lots of signs about 'low economic home owners project initiatiive' etc.
I thought, its a good view, the bus is comfortable and air conditioned, I will just enjoy the ride until it gets some place with a metro station (to get from anywhere to anywhere on the metro takes 15 minutes max).

Wrong again....

Hong Kong-Moon Cake-Bus - Heres where the bus stopped, I was the only person on it the whole time! Luckily there was an enourmous shopping centre near here I could buy some sup

Heres where the bus stopped, I was the only person on it the whole time!
Luckily there was an enourmous shopping centre near here I could buy some supplies at for the long journey back, it was an interesting shop too, with fake watches and cheaper supermarkets and stalls that were piles of clothes and shoes.
I seemed to be raising a few eyebrows by being there, maybe cause I look like a homeless drug addict.

Hong Kong-Moon Cake-Bus - In this part of Hong Kong, the supermarket had a KFC in it. I know USA has them in churches, but I am not likely to go to a church, so the best KFC sp

In this part of Hong Kong, the supermarket had a KFC in it. I know USA has them in churches, but I am not likely to go to a church, so the best KFC spot I can do is inside a supermarket.

Hong Kong-Moon Cake-Bus - I decided to buy a moon cake from a street stall that was the most non western looking place I could find, they are actually expensive! nearly $4 each

I decided to buy a moon cake from a street stall that was the most non western looking place I could find, they are actually expensive! nearly $4 each. I think you can probably feed 4 people with one though, but to put this into comparison, I think I could buy 10 x portugese egg tarts for the same price, so it better be good...

Hong Kong-Moon Cake-Bus - I dont know which one I chose, there were a few to choose from and zero english available. I smelt it and it that gave no clues, could be either red b

I dont know which one I chose, there were a few to choose from and zero english available. I smelt it and it that gave no clues, could be either red bean paste or swallows nest (which would explain the price)

Hong Kong-Moon Cake-Bus - Turns out it was like a fruit cake with some added seeds. 2 bites was enough for me, its huge and I didnt want to carry it to look for the train. I am

Turns out it was like a fruit cake with some added seeds. 2 bites was enough for me, its huge and I didnt want to carry it to look for the train. I am not sure what all the fuss is about, the hot custard sandwhiches are much nicer! It could of course be I got the crappy flavour, the pictures advertising them on the train seem to have gold inside.

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